Dr Inayatullah Faizi[/caption] ڈاکٹر عنا یت اللہ فیضیؔ دروش پبلک سکول اور دروش ڈگری کالج کے بانی پرنسپل عزیز الرحمن مثالی استاذ تھے۔ وہ تدریس کو کل وقتی کام سمجھتے تھے۔ رات دن اس میں منہمک رہتے تھے۔ اساتذہ کا بے حد احترام کرتے تھے اور طلبہ و طالبات کے ساتھ عمر بھر کے لئے اپنا تعلق اور رشتہ جوڑے رکھنے کے حق میں تھے اور اپنا تعلق جوڑ کر رکھتے تھے۔ اس وجہ سے طلبہ کے والدین، اعزہ و اقرباء کے ساتھ بھی ان کا تعلق استوار رہتا تھا۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ ان کی وفات پر خلائق کا ہجوم امڈ آیا۔ خراب موسم کے باوجود ان کے جنازے پر ہزارووں کا مجمع اکھٹا ہوا۔ عزیر الرحمن مرحوم کا تعلق خیبر پختونخوا کی سابق ریاست چترال کے سابق حکمران سنگین علی کی نسل سے تھا۔ یہ خاندان کٹور کی ایک شاخ ہے۔ کٹور کے مقابلے میں چغتائی کہلاتا ہے۔ گزشتہ صدی میں آغا سعدی خان چغتائی اس خاندان کے نامور شخصیت گزرے ہیں۔ علم و ادب کے ساتھ تعلق اس خاندان کی پرانی میراث رہی ہے۔ عزیز الرحمن کے والد مرحوم خلیل الرحمن ریاستی دور میں دفتری امور اور نظام مالیہ سے وابستہ تھے۔ پڑھے لکھے اہلکار میرزہ کہلاتے تھے۔ اور یہ نام آج کل کے ہیڈ کلرک کا ہم معنی تھا۔ فارسی ادب میں ان کی تعلیم ہوئی تھی۔ آپ کے بڑے بھائی عطاء الرحمن مرحوم محکمہ جنگلات سے وابستہ ہوئے۔ چھوٹے بھائی امین الرحمن چغتائی نے تدریس کے ساتھ وابستگی اختیار کی۔ احمد فراز کے شاگرد رہے۔ کھوار اور اردو میں شاعری کی اور نام پیدا کیا۔ ریکارڈ کے مطابق عزیز الرحمن کی ولادت کا سال 1938ء ہے۔ حصول تعلیم کے بعد آپ نے محکمہ صحت میں ملازمت اختیار کی۔ ون یونٹ کا زمانہ تھا۔ ٹریننگ کے لئے لاہور گئے۔ ان دنوں مسئلہ ختم نبوت پر دیگر علماء کے ساتھ مولانا سید ابو الا علیٰ مودودی ؒ کو بھی گرفتار کیا گیا تھا۔ لاہور میں مولانا مودودی کے علمی کاموں سے آگاہی حاصل ہوئی اور مولانا کے حلقہ بگوش ہو کر واپس آگئے۔ اس کے بعد عمر بھر کسی عہدے کی لالچ کے بغیر جماعت اسلامی کے ساتھ وابستہ رہے۔ وفاداری بشرط استواری کے اصول پر جماعت اسلامی کے ساتھ اپنا تعلق نبھایا۔ زندگی کے نشیب و فراز میں آپ نے ماہر تیراک کی طرح پانی کی لہروں اور ہوا کے جھونکوں کا مقابلہ کیا اور ہر معرکے میں کامران و کامیاب ہوئے۔ دوران ملازمت امریکی محقق سموئیل ہوارڈ سلون کے ساتھ آپ کے تعلقات استوار ہوئے۔ انہوں نے اسلام قبول کیا۔ محمد اسماعیل سلون نام رکھا۔ اس تعلق سے 1979ء میں نوکری کو خیر آباد کہ کر برونکس امریکہ چلے گئے۔ 3سال گزار کر 1982ء میں واپس آئے۔ 1983ء میں آپ نے دروش کے تاریخی قصبے میں پہلی بار دروش پبلک سکول کے نام سے ایک معیاری تعلیمی ادارے کی بنیاد رکھی۔ اور سکول کے آغاذ کے لئے یوم آزادی یعنی 14اگست کے دن کا انتخاب کیا۔ پہلے دن ایک کمرہ تھا۔18طلبہ اور طالبات تھیں۔ بلیک بورڈ پر “الف سے اللہ” لکھ کر پہلا سبق شروع کیا اور یہ سبق کا رگر ثابت ہوا۔ آج دروش پبلک سکول کے طلبہ و طالبات کا شمار میڈیکل، انجینئرنگ اور سول سروس کے کامیاب افسروں میں ہوتا ہے۔ 33سال کے طویل سفر میں ہزاروں طلبہ اور طالبات نے اس مادر علمی سے معیاری تعلیم حاصل کی۔ ابتدائی سالوں میں چترال سکاؤٹس کے کمانڈنٹ لیفٹیننٹ کرنل مراد خان نیءّر مرحوم نے ان کو حوصلہ دیا۔ بار بار سکول آتے تھے۔ سکول کے بچوں کو آفیسرز میس میں بلاتے اور تھپکی دیا کرتے تھے۔ بلبل چترال مولانا عبد الحمید خان نے اپنا بیٹا کمال عبد الجمیل ان کے سکول میں داخل کیا۔ اس طرح تعلیم کے میدان میں ان کو قدم جما کر کام کرنے کا ماحول میسر آیا۔ ڈاکٹر فدا عزیز الدین کے ساتھ ان کی گہری دوستی تھی۔ ان کی بیٹی کلثوم فدا مرحوم کے اولین طلبہ میں سے تھی۔ کلثوم نے 1994ء میں ضلع بھر میں اول پوزیشن حاصل کی۔ انجینئر وجیہ الدین اور ڈاکٹر محب الدین نے بھی اسی سکول سے تعلیم حاصل کی۔ 1986ء میں صدر جنرل ضیاء الحق کے دورہ چترال کے موقع پر دروش پبلک سکول کی کلثوم فدا، اسی سکول کے محب الدین اور عاطف احمد نے شندور کے مقام پر چترال کے روایتی لباس میں ملبوس ہو کر جنرل ضیاء کو پھولوں کا گلدستہ پیش کیا۔ یہ تصویر میڈیا میں ہٹ ہوئی تھی۔ عز یز الرحمن مرحوم کو سکول سے محبت، پیار اور لگاؤ تھا۔ ان کے شاگرد اور سٹاف ممبر کہتے ہیں کہ آپ جھاڑو بھی دیتے تھے۔ پھولوں اور پودوں کو پانی بھی دیتے تھے۔ کھیل کے وقت طلبہ کے ساتھ مل کر والی بال بھی شوق سے کھیلتے تھے۔ ان کے مزاج میں بلا کی خودداری تھی۔ چندہ، ڈونیشن، عطیہ مانگنا انکی کی فطرت میں نہیں تھا۔ وہ نیکی کے کام چھپا کر ہی کرتے تھے۔ ان کی وفات کے دن معلوم ہوا کہ سینکڑوں طلبہ کی انہوں نے مالی مدد کی تھی۔ کوئی طالب علم کالج یا یونیورسٹی میں داخلہ کے لئے جاتے وقت ان سے اجازت لینے آتا تو چپکے سے دو تین ہزار روپے ان کی جیب میں رکھ دیتے اور پوچھنے پر مسکراتے ہوئے کہتے “ایک کپ چائے پی لینا”ان کومطالعے کا ذوق بہت زیادہ تھا۔ آٹھ گھنٹوں کے سفر میں دو موٹی موٹی کتابیں پڑھ لیتے تھے۔ نسیم حجازی کے ناول ان کو بہت پسند تھے۔ عزیز الرحمن مرحوم نفیس اور نستعلیق طبعیت کے مالک تھے۔ رکھ رکھاؤ کا بڑا خیال رکھتے تھے۔ خندہ پیشانی اور تواضع کے ساتھ ہر ایک سے ملتے اور ہر ایک کو اہمیت دیتے تھے۔ لوگوں کی بڑی بڑی غلطیاں معاف کرتے اور کسی کی کوئی بات دل پر نہ لیتے۔ ان کی تین بچیاں پیشہ تدریس سے وابستہ ہیں۔ بڑا بیٹا رضا ء الرحمن گھر کو سنبھالتا ہے۔ چھوٹا بیٹا میزا ن الرحمن بھی زیر تعلیم ہے۔ ان کا شاگرد نائب مقصود علی خان سکول وائس پرنسپل رہا ہے۔ اب سکول اور کالج کی ذمہ داری ان کے کندھوں پر ہے ۔ عزیز الرحمن مرحوم نے جو سسٹم دیا ہے۔ وہ سسٹم کامیابی سے چل رہا ہے۔ ان کی وفات کے بعد بھی ان کا لگایا ہوا پودا پھلتا پھولتا رہے گا۔ پھلا پھولا رہے یا رب چمن میری امیدوں کا جگر کا خون دے دے کر یہ بوٹے میں نے پالے ہیں ]]>
@ iqraruddin.
Mr. you have the right to raise question not objection on intellectual. what is question himself? if some one don”t know about how to question from intellectual he has no right , no rule,and no sense of questions.brother study first etiquette then raise question not objection and criticism. Dr. Faizi is ever green assets of chitral and pakistan.
My grandfather was an amazing person and a pity teacher too. You talk about character and integrity, everyone who knew him, whether they agreed with him or not, said, ‘Principal Aziz Ur Rehman is a good man, and he sticks to his principles: a man of honesty and hard work, integrity.’ My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group, there was much less competition.
And Anyone who blamed Dr.Inayat ullah Faizi the Great scholar contact me through my cell# 03449812065….. i am here personally to Answer of Your Questions…..
Haseeb Alam(lal)
Grandson of Late Sir Aziz Ur Rehman …..
I am extremely sorry my very dear Mizanur Rehman, I could not agree with you and the cleric you are referring to, because “mera maslak sufi he aur me molvi nehi hun or my religion is Sufism and I’m not a hardliner cleric”.
Who was and who is the hardliner clerick?
Maulana Tariq Jameel Sahb ek khawb dekhtay han k wo ek taangay pr sawar han or sath may Qauid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah b bethay huay han, Joon hi wo tanga chalanay wala Qauid e Azam ko bura bala kehna shuroo kar deta hay to “Qauid e Azam ka face/mode off ho jata hay” or kehta hay k o bhai may ne to Musalmano k liye banaya tha apnay liye to nehi banaya, phir Tariq Jameel Sahb Un se poochtay han k Apka qabar may kia haal hay to kehtay han k “boht aaram se hun or mera haal acha hay q k log duaaon may yad rakhtay han”
So Please…..
This is too much below the belt by both Khalil and the former DPS employee. Look dear Khalil, we are not interested to listen your experience what you do in front of your children. This is a public forum. And here it does not suit when you people start shooting from the gun through which you often misfire when you are asleep. So better keep these secrets with you.
And your new-born love for Dr Faizi is somewhat suspicious. For you, the term respect means kissing his hands, bowing down to his feet, etc. But for me arguing with him is the best form of respecting him. I will point out if he is doing something wrong because I love him. You have no idea how much close and good he is to me. I’d been his students. He has taught me Urdu. Besides him, I have the honour to sit in the class of Prof Taufeeq Jan (the big man), Prof Zuhuruddin, Prof Nasiruddin, Prof Shamsun Nazar Fatemi, the brilliant Prof Murad Ali (still miss his Langlands style accent, but the good thing is that I have also learnt it, sir 🙂 ), Prof Nasiruddin, Prof Sami (once had a fight with him when I skipped his Friday sermon under the pretext of of being a sufi school of thought).
So my dear protesting chaps, I am grateful to all these people who have taught me all the bad things. I am personally indebted to them. I don’t want any certification from you. And it is Dr Faizi from whom I have learnt asking questions. Here Dr Faizi was wrong and it was my job to point it out or else he would have been dubbed as a hardliner, which he isn’t. And yes to give a befitting reply to Khalil I would like to ask Shehla Hakim. Come on lady, grab your keyboard, and shoot a comment – koyi jawab dei ya na dei, koyi parehe ya na parehe, Shabbir to parehe ga!
Buahahahaha what a point Dr Khalil,he must be Mr william
Me ne 4sal DPS me sir azizurrahman k sath kam kia he.woh ek azim shaksiat the. Watan or din se muhabbat inme kot kot kar bhari hoi thi.. Woh har us kam ki himayat kartay the jis me Islam or pakistan ki taraqi ki bat hoti. Salam to sir azizurrahman.
jo log sir Aziz urrehman pr indirectly kichr uchalny ki koshish kr rahy han wo darasal aasman pa thok kr mu se chat rahy han..fake id se nam badal badal kr Dr faizi sb pr tanqed krny se hamary dil ma us ki qadromanzilat aor barh gayi ha….hamy Dr sb pa fakhr ha.ap kal pa fakhre chitral thy aj b han aor ainda taqeyamat rahen gy,,Dr sb hr bonkny waly ko jawab na diya karn…agr waqi in logun ki koi asliyat ha tu asal namun aor Maqamat k sath cments karn…devar k peechy chup kr bonkna beghayrati aor zanana an ki dalel ha…Aziz sb ki shahkhsiyat k bary ma jis ko bat krny ho muj se bat kary ..03350952140…agr Willam koi haqiqi kirdar ha tu apna phone numbr lik dy…Maqsood ali khan chitrali Ex vice principal Drosh public school and degree college drosh……zaban ki talkhi k liye parny walun se mazrat chahta hun mgr majboor hun hr ek k sath us ki zaban ma bat krni parti ha!!!!!!!!!
@ shahid
Poor writing , poor thinking and pathetic mentality you have.Be intellectual and develop your self morally.
Mr.Iqrar what a negative person you are? i find you negative every where in any place in chitral today. is it your grooming about the great people like Dr.Inayatullah faizi.Talk in logic rather than by your poor thinking and poetry.
Xingogh la chetrari, Inyatuall faizi sahab de gochi royan luantain ahmeyat deti, hetan aham koroyan,, kia mosho muxa tan shunakhto zahir koreko howsala no hoi, hasho tain wa asqaru rain boi,, horo sum kia drungar.. hash roi tan bayayee tan phok xawo sora lakhoi ,, hahahaha
Anyhow, let us give Dr Faizi the benefit of doubt that all the commentators expressed their views through fake names. Let us accept that he was one single individual. Put the whole blame on this “khaksar”. there is no harm to take the blame for the sake of Dr Faizi’s happiness as he is so dear to us.
But, but, but the way Dr Faizi summed up everything without giving answers to our questions is no different than Prime Minister Nawaz declaring himself innocent despite holding offshore companies under the name of his children at the cost of taxpayers’ money.
You should have said that what your late friend did was wrong. It was in no way appropriate. If he has done so, forgive me to be a bit blunt, there was no difference between him and a hardliner cleric. If a person like Dr Faizi will act like a silent spectator over seeing a poor Kalash being forced to convert to Islam by anyone, who else will raise the voice for the minorities? by what degree anyone think instigating a Kalash to change his religion is a service to the great religion of Islam. It is in no way a service to Islam rather it is spoiling the image of our great religion.
This is very simple. If one person writes 8 comments under 8 fake names, he has no question at all to be answered.Had their been any question that would have been asked by a real person under his own name and identity. I am ready to respond to any question regarding the school, the teaching and the principal ship of my friend late Aziz Ur Rehman. It is soo simple.
I beg to differ with Dr Faizi. After finding no answer to the questions put to him by learned commentators, he has resorted call it a day under the pretext of faceless. A good idea to skip the wrath of the people who made it really tough for him.
It is not necessary to know all of your readers if you think you have a huge readership. If your approach is area-specific, then it is fine you need to know everybody in your area. Again I would like to recommend Dr Faizi to read my last comment where the poet has addressed people who take pride.
I would like to agree with Mr.Tanzil Khan in him i find the soul of German Philospher Bismark who once warned,” beware the faceless people, they have neither identity nor they have the precious asset called conscience.” The only fault with all of us is that we are taking faceless people seriously. A person who has no argument other than hate always comes out with fake name and fake identity just like those pointed out by Mr.Tanzil Khan. In the bottom line i would like to pay rich tribute to the great teacher and mentor late Aziz ur Rehman who had many enemies , a few friends.
یہ تاجرانِ دِین ہیں
خُدا کے گھر مکِین ہیں
ہر اِک خُدا کے گھر پہ اِن کو اپنا نام چاہیے
خدا کے نام کے عِوَض کُل اِنتظام چاہیے
ہر ایک چاہتا ہے یہ
مرا خُدا خرید لو
نہ کر سکے یہ تم اگر
یہ تاجرانِ پیشہ ور
کریں گے تم سے یوں خطاب
انتقام چاہیے
میری کتاب جو کہے
وہ ہی نظام چاہیے
خُدا کے جتنے رُوپ ہیں
اِنہوں نے خُود بنائے ہیں
ہر اِک خُدا میں صاحبو
وہ ساری خُوبیاں ہیں جو
اِنہیں بہت عزیز ہیں
ہر اِک دُکان پر یہاں
نیا خُدا سجا ہوا
ہر اِک دُکاندار کی
فقط یہی ہے اِلتجا
مرا خُدا خرید لو
خُدا کی بھی سُنے کوئی
وہ کہہ رہا ہے بس یہی
کہ صاحبو میں ایک ہوں
مرے سِوا کوئی نہیں
کسی کی بات مت سُنو
مرا تو کوئی گھر نہیں
دلوں میں بَس رہا ہوں میں
ہر ایک پَل
ہر ایک سانس
تم میں جی رہا ہوں میں
تم خُود نہ اپنی جان لو
کہ تم ہی میری جان ہو
جو تم نے جان وار دی
تو میں کہاں بسُوں گا پِھر
مرا تو کوئی گھر نہیں
جو بیچتے ہیں اپنا گھر
سجا کے نام پر مرے
یہ نفس کے اسِیر ہیں
یہ لوگ بے ضمِیر ہیں
Jhon William pointed out something very important that we must appreciate. Hats off to him.
جس طور کی دنیا ہے اسی طور سے بولو
!بہروں کا علاقہ ہے زرا زور سے بولو
An Article which was supposed to highlight the personality and love of a great teacher had turned into a mud, thanks to John William.
its a malfunction of electricity of your so called brain that i ever claim that i m an English writer.secondly, now the cat is out of the bag. Genetically,the gene is still suppress in this generation and dwarfism is the by product.
Dear Akram shabir!
Identity is the basic question. If Dr. Faizi is not a poet according to your chronological mentality, it doesn’t mean that he can’t do it. If he is not a philosopher according to your mathematics its never mean he don’t understand the philosophy of philosophers, and if he is not historian according to your mental approach it’s not deny that he not knows the essence of history. It’s not challenging to become a Faiz , Ghazali and Khuldon for Dr.Faizi . Attempt to comprehend the vision of Dr.Faizi about the great teacher and philanthropist late Aziz ur rehman in this write-up.
Oh good God, Tanzil also claims to be a writer? Chitral Today pls give me my five minutes back, I beg you?? There is no doubt that Dr Faizi is a brilliant Urdu writer and he is so so in English. But it just made me cry (literally) when I saw a Chemistry teacher claiming to be an angrezi writer.
@ Akram Shabir,Haters gonna hate,after this janjal I realized that chitralis doesn’t need any intellectual person who stays among them and keep highliting imp issues of chitral,they all claim to b intellectuals by themselves,Dr Faizi doesn’t need ur improval to b good in writing,he has own an international fame for his work…for sure in every super game the audience make the noise not the celebraty.if writing is that much easy plz I request u to write and make everyone feel pround of u,and plz do send the copy of ur paper work to Dr Faizi so he can give up writing ki hamuni jam neveshak asika ma qadra ka koi,awa di hamo qadro ko n koman…the ta manisi..if u are better then these two teachers sir Faizi and tanzil then prove it..lu dik the bo asan
Dr. Faizi, my respectable teacher, known intellectual and inspiration for hundreds of people, has wrote facts about his friend; Mr. Azizur Rehman late. The words of Faizi sahib are words of love, affections and respect for his friend not any hate speech. Facts are always facts. I studied in Drosh Public School from the first day and have seen the love of my beloved teacher, mentor.. Azizur Rehman… our Lot Sir.( May Allah Almighty give him the highest place in paradise). I wonder about the comment of Jhon William and feel pity on. Where does the hatred and biasness exist in this particular article?? If Sloan had converted to Islam it was not due to instigation of Dr. Faizi nor Dr. Faizi has advocated forced conversion at least in this particular article. I thing the comment from Jhon William is prejudiced one. (In his comment Dr. Khalil has mentioned that Sloan converted to Islam when he was in Afghanistan). I thing by posting irrational and irrelevant comment J William has tried to divert the attention of hundreds of readers towards a totally irrelevant issue.
People would have commented more on the personality, services and contributions of our beloved Sir (Azizur Rehman) if J William did not have posted such irrational comment.
People like Azizur Rehman and Dr. Faizi have won the heart of masses not through provocation, hatred and unsubstantiated comments rather they have practically turned of thousands of life productive.
@ Tanzil , give your answer not my identity
Apropos fake name Akram Shabir letter above. I would only request the learned writer to come up with his original identity and name . Why does he hide himself behind fake name just like his comrades , John William and Obaidullah. If his arguments are valid he should write under own name as Dr.Faizi does and Dr.Khalil has the healthy practice.
jawab nedarad. hahahah!!
Tanzil Sahb absolutely agree. A man who doesn’t have the courage to ask something in his own name and who cannot claim his own identity does not merit any reply.
@ Tanzil, reproducing your hyperbole “I can say that Dr.Faizi is an intellectual ; faizi is faiz in poetry, Khaldoon in history, Ghazali in philosophy,legend in writing and hero of the nation. This the cultural loftiness and magnanimity that we never break the heart of others”.
Could you please introduce any poetry of Dr Faizi like that of Faiz Ahmad Faiz challenging the dictator of the day. Where is his Khaldunian history, he writes about verbal history of chetral, which is undocumented, everyone can write. May be following Gazali in Ghettoization, but he was politically awarded!
@ zulfiqar
dear brother its not a charrsadda hujra that you open the doors of military offices and Dc offices for kids.
I am Still waiting for John William to clarify where in the article did Dr. Faizi Sahb exactly give credit to Chughtai Sab for converting Sloan and also where did exactly he spread hate against minorities and Kalash. Failing that, if he possess an iota of shame and honor he owes a public apology to Dr. Sahb for his irrelevant comments used to vent some personal grudge against Dr. Sab.
Whether its Akram shabir or shabir akram irrespective of the suffix and prefix. Dear ! no , not at all, never ever any exaggeration in my comment about Dr Faizi. what I was done, was a reality, fact and figure. Don’t deny such instant which make you glorified ignorance. Still I am confused that the exaggeration is not much more enough in the honor of Dr.Faizi. People and mind like you don’t want to own the potential, talent, and social aspects of Dr.Faizi, which is one of the outstanding bad fortune of the whole nation in generals and chitrali community in particular.
Stupid and foolish comments by Mr. Jhon William and Mr. Obaid shows how they hate the Great and respected teacher. (Koi sharam hoti hay koi haya hoti hay, kisi k marnay per tabla bajanay walo thori si insaniyat b koi cheez hoti hay)
Great tribute to Great Teacher thanks Dr. Fiazi sb, May his soul rest in peace and the trees he planted may give more and sweet fruits. Aameen.
Probably It was the afternoon of 1992,when I was going before the main boundary wall of my Alma matter (Govt High School Chitral ) saw beneath my step a piece of paper , It was a piece of the famous news paper Jang Daily.I had been collecting any kind of pieces of news paper. As usual I took a piece of paper up in my hands I focused on one beard personality picture and heading was given by news paper that the first PhD.Scholar from District Chitral. So I could not control my tears due to heartiest happiness to see the tremendous news about a successful person of my District Chitral,that he made a record that no one made before him.It was really great news for me,I will never forget my feeling of that time when I saw about the PhD degree of the respected sir Dr.Inayatullah Faizi sahab.
Today I really say sorry to see the comments of new generation that in this advance age and technology era is not difficult to write and criticize something in favor or against of anyone,because one of PhD Scholars belonging to Chitral valley was my student when I was performing my duty in his home town I am sorry,I can not take his name because I respect his achievement even I am not respected by him,but unfortunately I met him at that time when he was checking of the Master private students papers in his room in Peshawar university,I just told him dear do you remember that time , I was teaching you mathematics and English when you were middle class student and I was performing my duties in your home town,he became enthusiastic and was not willing to accept that he was taught by me.I understood the feeling of that scholar that he did not agree to accept his reality because he flew up high more than sky.So here experiences and time teach us that to criticize is easy for every one rather than to be an example like historical person Dr.Inayatullah the brilliant and eminent son of Chitral.So now a days the media has made very easy to coping the material from different sources and made very easy for the students and readers to comment and criticize something ,also the university thesis are soled low prices and everyone can tend to get it. this is the decision of Allah that someone is granted the PhD degrees and highly possession by Allah and someone can be given the designation of watchman in a School and hospital.So we should accept the reality and fact because we are bound all in nature not free.We also thank of Allah on his equal and exact distribution of knowledge among the human being. Even we either criticize or appreciate the task of great Scholar Dr.Inayatullaf Faizi sahab so it will never influence his dignity and fame in the field of literature.Some words are told on reality basis even they are harsh.The lack of tolerance escape us far from the linguistic and polite manner of moral aspects.So we daily change our name and criticize the task of great people of the nation instead of expressing of our name and identity.Respect others than you will be respected by others.
Muhammad Hakim
South West Medical University China
So touched by ur comment sir,may Allah give us the best of character and moral values to respect our elders and to give our opinions in the right way.Ameen
I simply could not understand why Dr Fazi is giving call to the students of late Chughtai to launch a counter attack on me. Look Mr Dr Fazi, I am not a politician. I have no rivalry with you rather I was just huge fan. I have done nothing wrong. As a reader it is my right to defer with you.
As far as the students of late Chughtai are concerned, their level of intellect could be judged from their comments. I really take pity on them. they were up in arms against me instead of a healthy debate on the issue I’d raised. With due apology some of them have fallen short to call me an ‘infidel’. My views were endorsed by people like Dr Khalil as I’d highlighted a genuine issue. My humble request to Dr Fazi is: sir, have some patience, as you are an intellectual, not a politician.
Sorry to say I feel so pity for ur ill mentality,I never used to read articles of Dr Faizi but when I opened this site for other purpose I feel honoured to read this article but tbh ur comment was totally irrelevant,the first thing came to my mind about ur comment was that u did it intentionally,I think u even didn’t completely read the article,u intended to insult him so u did that’s it,and funny is ur way of thinking that Dr Faizi said the students to comment against u,what do u think he has that much time to waste on u,if he had paid attention to u kinda peo he did never been this much successful,may Allah give u hidayah to communicate properly and to respect others,insulting Dr Faizi and the students depicts ur own background not theirs,they have their identities tho,u haven’t any..
Please Tanzil pity for your exaggeration and unnecessary comments. Writer is good and popular in Chitral for his writing. He also wrote for Aaj newspaper and Aain newspaper,his intellectualism needs to be explored.He regularly writes for Urdu papers in Chitral.
@John William.
For you the exact translation in Dr. Sab’s article of the event is ‘During his employment be befriended American researcher Semeul Sloan who later converted to Islam and took the name of ismail Sloan’. And that’s it. Where did Dr. Sab give credit to Chughtai, how did he undermine minorities and spread hate is beyond me. Your name is European but the mindset you portrayed is typical Pakistani of maligning someone for nothing, so I will conclude and assume that you are our own Chitrali brother using an anonymous name for ranting. Adios.
I wonder how the discussion was diverted to irrelevant topics instead of commenting on the personality of late Azizurrehman. Strangely enough, the late teacher and principal did not have a student or a friend who could pass a comment on his personality. It is so pity and strange.
Now it has been confirmed that Dr Faizi made a willful attempt to distort historic facts as claimed by Dr Khalil. It could not be taken as a mistake by a man of Dr Faizi’s calibre. He should do extensive research before writing such thing. The sole purpose of such write ups had only one reason: motivate hardliners to force religious minorities into Islam.
Conclusive comment by Shehla Hakim is awaited …
@ Mr Shamil, My comments above were based not only on the article above but general articles Faizi Sb writes. I am following his writings for the past 15 years. Does any part of my comments refers to Maududi or Maududiat? or have i made any political comment? please do not be very canny and come in defense.
It is my right to give my views to the writer which i am following for many years. And i can refer to lot of his articles where he has showed his biases.
There is no denying the fact that Dr. Faizi is a widely read columnist, his articles are famous not only in Pakistan but throughout the world. So passing controversial comments he should be careful that the sentiments of his diverse readership comprising diverse religious and ethnic background is not hurt. What would have been Dr. Faizi’s reaction if Mr. William had referred to the conversion of Dr. Nabeel Quareshi a Muslim born American, who converted to Christianity?. Mr. shamil instead of lecturing Obaidullah you should read the write up of Faizi carefully and please don’t twist the facts in a bid to win the blessings of Dr. Faizi.
By Tanzil Khan.
The stupidity of people comes from having an answer to everything. The wisdom of the novel comes from having a question for everything … it seems to me that all over the world people now a days prefer to judge rather than to understand , to answer rather than to ask, so that the voice of the novel can hardly be heard over the noisy foolishness of human certainties.( Miller Kundera)
I was shocked to see the response and commentary of certain commentators in this stage where the context is entirely tributary to a great teacher and philanthropist ( Late Aziz ur rehman)of chitrali nation.
The mordant analysis of William and obaidullah without sophistry and logic, sublimate Dr.Faizi write-up. The sword loss his sharpness due to amalgamation with mercury rather than make an alloy of steel, brass, and bronze. The pros and cons of any one or anything’s need sound brain, intellectual approach and intellectual development.
It is an historical fact that the extremist make hay while the sun shines. The allegation on the write -up of Dr. Faizi may be a palatial machination of hardliner extremist mind. I wonder how an intellectual claim and prophecy about the dark future of Kalasha tribe of chitral. Although kalash; the minority tribe of chitral but remember that they are the part of chitrali culture. Kalash live since 1000 plus years along with muslim community and they considered themselves in a safe heaven.
I can say that Dr.Faizi is an intellectual ; faizi is faiz in poetry, Khaldoon in history, Ghazali in philosophy,legend in writing and hero of the nation. This the cultural loftiness and magnanimity that we never break the heart of others.
Dear Obaidullah and son of perhaps a Britisher above: U first read the article carefully, than take your time to understand what the writer is saying.Ur comments reveal that Either you havent read the article or you may be bad in urdu. No where Dr. faizi has been biased, or hardliner for that matter.He had just referred to a friend of the late exemplary teacher (May His Soul Rest In Peace) who had changed his name and affiliation.moreover, In no way he has been a devotee of this or that political party…. You may disagree with Maududi in many respects but you cant deny the fact that Maududi had influenced and is still influencing a vast population within pakistan and elsewhere.I myself disagree with maududi in many respect, but i cant deny the influence of his thoughts in theological and political scene of pakistan, be it of whatever orientation. You r doing injustice to a highly learned intellectual of chitral, without understanding what he has said.So, plz read and understand things before giving your comments….There is no need to give any more judgement about the intellectual caliber of the writer by anyone, As the Dr has already proved his worth with his contribution to the knowledge based society of ours.
Great Dr inayat ullah faizi sir
The sad demise of Azizur Rahman is really a great loss to Chitral. May Allah rest his soul in peace (Ameen).
I agree with the above commentator, Mr Faizi has become biased lately and i initially thought that it was my observation but some of my friends have also agreed with me.
Dear Obaid Ullah I wish you have either met late Aziz Ur Rehman or read my article of obituary. You are also misguided by someone, that is why you agree with irrelevant comments passed by Mr William. I would like to advice you to go through the obituary and than read your own comments which are irrelevent to what i wrote in memory of my friend.
‘Some of my friends also agree with me’ is such a strong proof of something. Zardari’s friends agree with him that he is not corrupt, Rehman Malik’s friends agree with him that he is an honest man, Musharraf’s friends agree with him that he was a true democrat and hated Dictatorship.
By giving credit to late Chugtai of converting a Christian to Islam, Dr Faizi just broke my heart. I used to read his articles for the last over two decades. But now I will STOP reading anything from Dr Faizi in protest. I thought he was a great intellectual. I had no idea a “hardliner extremist mindset” is also present in his mind and heart. If people like Dr Faizi who portray themselves as “INTELLECTUAL” and no “HARDLINER”could be seen encouraging minorities, the day is not far when the handful Kalash tribe will no longer be there. The people of Chitral should draw a clear line: whether Dr Faizi is an intellectual or a hardliner cleric. His love for a religious political party also reflects he is promoting hate speech instead of discouraging those bent upon suppressing the minority Kalash.
Thank you Mr John William. I am really surprised on your comments based on hate speech and character assassination. Those who can go through my humble right-up can judge that I just referred to a plain fact which is evident from the books and online stories of Mr Muhammad Ismail Sloan.I do hope Mr John William can appreciate my feelings when he goes through the contents which are in Urdu.The write-up has nothing to do with Kalash Minority in Pakistan or Christian majority in America. It is just a tribute to my friend, the late Aziz Ur Rehman and that is it.
Samuel never converted, Samuel Sloan claims he converted to Islam when he first came to Afghanistan before coming to Chitral. But the growing Islamic revolutionary movement suspected him to the extent that he had to leave Afghanistan.
Muslims are not interested to convert anyone, those who convert is their own choice. Here my next door neighbour is Christian missionary, every time when she finds my kids or my wife outside home, she starts her Mathew/John stories, so far I have noticed that I know more about Christianity than her, I hope soon I will take her to nearby Masjid.
As far as Kalash are concerned, I don’t understand why some western renegades when get chance to go to Kalash valley’s and find cheap wine and free hashish to smoke, they try to become popular by raising voice in support of Kalash community, when aboriginal (first nation) people in their own countries specially in US and Canada have more pathetic life then any poorest of the poor Kalash.
(The first paragraph has been taken from media reports of Samuel Howard Sloan)
Shehla Hakim is requested to drop few lines of comment.
The students of Drosh Public School give very nice look in traditional dress.This Is a tribute to the late principal and his school. In the picture there are two more important personalities along with Gen Zia, Prince Burhan and Col Murad. May they all rest in eternal peace.
May his soul rest in peace and the trees he planted may give more and sweet fruits. Aameen.
Wish if DC Chitral and Commandant Chitral Scouts could also open the doors of their sprawling bungalws, officers’ mess to the school kids; have a cup of tea with them; pose for photograph with them; give them autograph; have a chat with them about our military and bureaucracy instead of forcing them to pick garbage at Qaq Lasht. Let us see whether DC Chitral and the Colonel Chitral Scouts invite the school kids, especially those who were forced to pick garbage at Qaqlasht. It will certainly help in negating the impression that Mr Osama, the deputy commissioner, Chitral, is equally kind who invited the kids to have a cup of tea with him.